Sep — Bumpers by the Bay



The day start­ed for Kay and I with a good 45 min­utes run from Croy­don North to Williamstown, a cloudy day but fine.We arrived to be direct­ed into the under­cov­er dis­play area where we found many oth­er club mem­bers and set up our chairs and table for the day ahead.


Then it was time to have a good look at all of the cars on dis­play. There was a great range of many dif­fer­ent makes,models and ages, Holdens/Fords/Valiants etc,with many local peo­ple and vis­i­tors also attend­ing through­out the day. Plen­ty of food and cof­fee on sale along with stalls sell­ing all kinds of auto sig­nage and nov­el­ty “man cave” items.


The loca­tion of this site gives a great view of the city across the water,raffle tick­ets were pur­chased with all pro­ceeds for the day going towards fund rais­ing for the fight against Prostate Cancer.


As usu­al we had quite a bit of inter­est in the Earlie’s, Pete Charman’s car had quite a few peo­ple inter­est­ed in it’s “Orig­i­nal­i­ty. I even had one old­er guy ask if he could poke his head inside my car to have a smell as he liked the odour of old cars? I guess it takes all types!!.


Big Trev gave me a hand with the car vot­ing slips hand out and retrieval until he had a call from home say­ing that the gas hot water unit had failed, He had to head of ear­ly to fix it before he went to work lat­er in the evening,I hope he was successful.


Lat­er in the day around 2pm they had the raf­fle draw and car vot­ing awards presentations.The car awards were for the looks and per­son­al appeal of the vehicle’s as seen by the Judges. One of our mem­bers Neville Maw­er won both a raf­fle prize and a car award for his car and trail­er, Well done Neville.


So end­ed our sec­ond club run for the month, With 16 mem­bers and 11 earlie’s attend­ing a very pleas­ant and enjoy­able day.


On behalf of the EMHC I would like to thank the FX FJ club Mel­bourne Chap­ter for organ­is­ing this ter­rif­ic day for such a good cause,


Well Done.


Stay Hap­py and Safe.


Jim and Kay.


Those with an Ear­ly                                                          With­out an Early

Gary and Les­ley Beard­s­ley                                                Kim and Janine Radenic

Jim and Kay Bishop

Peter Char­man

Trevor Dempsey

Ray and Dianne Eaton

Ray Edsall

Rod and Sharon Grummitt

Rus­sell King

Bren­ton Schier

Scott Wood­bridge

Neville Maw­er