September 2019

Hi all,

I am cur­rent­ly writ­ing this from a motel room in North­ern Italy. Milan to be pre­cise. By the time of the Sep­tem­ber meet­ing I will still be on my Euro­pean adven­ture and from mem­o­ry will be in either Paris or London.

Thank-you for the vote of con­fi­dence in me being vot­ed in again as Pres­i­dent. Things are excit­ing in the club present­ly as we have strong mem­ber­ship num­bers and next year we head into our 50th year as a club. I thank all those who again who renom­i­nat­ed for a posi­tion on the com­mit­tee and I wel­come Derk back on the com­mit­tee after tak­ing out Top Club­man at our recent pre­sen­ta­tion night.

I received the run report from Jim Bish­op and after read­ing the report, all I can say is that it appeared to be anoth­er fan­tas­tic EMHC club run, this time with the GHAC (Derk’s oth­er club).

As every­one may know we are hold­ing next years state titles and the plan­ning has already begun. If you are not on the com­mit­tee and have some ideas for the state titles please share it with the com­mit­tee as we plan to run anoth­er great event.

This months run is on Sun­day Sep­tem­ber 15th 2019, it is a joint run with FX FJ Hold­en Club of Aus­tralia — Mel­bourne Chap­ter. It is the Inter­club Chal­lenge, which is being held at the Zone Bowl­ing Cen­tre, For­est Hill Shop­ping Cen­tre, Lev­el 3 270 Can­ter­bury Road For­est Hill. I hope many can attend so we can win back the trophy.

Last­ly I would like to on behalf of the club, offer our con­do­lences to our friends of the Bal­larat Ear­ly Hold­en Club and the fam­i­ly of Doug Reid for the recent pass­ing of Doug. As Richard Fox men­tioned on Face­book dur­ing Dougs pass­ing he was an icon in the move­ment and will be sad­ly missed. For those who knew Doug would also remem­ber that he was always up for a chat and you could always find him at the many of the car shows that are held.

Any­way, that’s about it for me for this month.

Until next month, stay safe and safe travels.
