September 2022

First­ly, I would like wel­come all the new mem­bers to our com­mit­tee and also wel­come back our pre­vi­ous mem­bers and par­tic­u­lar­ly our new Vice Pres­i­dent Bren­dan, new Sec­re­tary Aldo and new Trea­sur­er Garry.
I would also thank Jason, Rod, Peter and Rick for con­tri­bu­tions over some pret­ty dif­fi­cult times through the Pan­dem­ic which had qui­et an impact on the run­ning of the club.

We also have made some oth­er arrange­ments with Peter now becom­ing the Newslet­ter edi­tor and Rod Grum­mitt will con­tin­ue to man­age the mem­ber­ship lists and dis­trib­ute the Club Mag­a­zine. Kim Radenic will doing the month­ly club run report and col­lect the club car of the month votes.

The August Run at the clu­b­rooms to car­ry­out scru­ti­neer­ing and edu­ca­tion there­of, togeth­er with prepa­ra­tion for the state titles items was indeed a great suc­cess (see the run report).

The Mel­bourne chap­ter run on the 11th Sep­tem­ber 2022 will be to Hang­ing Rock (sor­ry about the short notice). The run will be a trea­sure hunt, the meet­ing point will be the BP Calder Park at 10.00 am with a depar­ture time of 10.30am sharp.

Those who wish to meet at the club rooms can do so and we will be leav­ing at 9.00am sharp.

The Mel­bourne Chap­ter is pro­vid­ing a BBQ lunch and the EMHC will be pro­vid­ing deserts.

BYO Chairs and Pic­nic Table if required and Drinks

If you have any oth­er queries, please call me.

Don’t for­get the fol­low­ing event.

Bun­nings 25th Sep­tem­ber 2022

State Titles 15th & 16th Octo­ber 2022

Nation­al Titles 28th Dec 2022 – 1st Jan 2022

For your infor­ma­tion the Com­mit­tee meet­ing will be mov­ing to the Wednes­day fol­low­ing our club run each month in future. This month will be the 21st due to the club chal­lenge date.

The State Titles meet­ings for the Sep­tem­ber and Octo­ber will be held on the 2nd week of the month. The next meet­ing will be on the 14th of Sep­tem­ber 2022.
