October 2020

Its ground hog day again. Well it feels like it every time, I sit down to write my Pres­i­dents report for the club newslet­ter. Unless you have been liv­ing on Mars in 2020, you know this year at club lev­el has been a wipe-out, actu­al­ly it has been a wipe-out in all oth­er areas of the world too.

It is hope­ful by the end of the month that the harsh restric­tions that we have in Mel­bourne will be lift­ed some­what, it is promis­ing to see our declin­ing num­bers, so fin­gers crossed that we can start to live some sort of nor­mal­i­ty here in Mel­bourne that the rest of our Vic­to­ri­an club mem­bers and oth­er states do.
With this we still have the Echu­ca overnight trip planned for Sat­ur­day and Sun­day 14th and 15th of Novem­ber. Obvi­ous­ly, this depends on what restric­tions are in place as time gets clos­er. Please let Janine know if you would be inter­est­ed in attending.

Over the last month we had via zoom a State Titles com­mit­tee meet­ing. Please have a look at the write up in this newslet­ter on a pay­ment plan for the state titles. Yes, you can lay buy your 2021 State Titles.

This Wednes­day 7th Octo­ber at 8.00pm we are again host­ing a casu­al chat for club mem­bers via zoom. Please see the details in this newslet­ter. We encour­age all that can attend to jump on and have a chat espe­cial­ly our region­al and inter­state members.

I will remind club mem­bers again that on Sun­day 30th August 2020, the nation­als com­mit­tee met, where it was decid­ed to offi­cial­ly can­cel the Nation­als that were to be held in Cooma at Christ­mas time. For those who have motel book­ings, it is rec­om­mend­ed that you call the motel and can­cel your book­ing if you have already not done so.

Try­ing to close this report with a pos­i­tive. After the year we have had, won’t it be great cruis­ing the roads of Mel­bourne in a FX or FJ this sum­mer, know­ing at least the weath­er is good and life is as well.

More impor­tant than ever, please stay safe and look after each other.
