December 2020

Hi all, What a dif­fer­ence a month can make. Restric­tions have been lift­ed in Vic­to­ria (some­what) and it allowed for about a dozen of us attend the Pres­i­dents run to Echu­ca. Which turned out to be a fan­tas­tic week­end away. It was good to see every­one with a smile on their face. There is run report in the newsletter.…

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November 2020

Hi all, First­ly, apolo­gies for the late­ness of this newslet­ter, as most would know my moth­er passed away on Fri­day 30th of Octo­ber at 10.30pm at the Gee­long Hos­pi­tal. She had been quite ill for the best part of the last year. This has delayed the pub­li­ca­tion of the newslet­ter. My mother’s funer­al is on Wednes­day 11th of November…

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October 2020

Its ground hog day again. Well it feels like it every time, I sit down to write my Pres­i­dents report for the club newslet­ter. Unless you have been liv­ing on Mars in 2020, you know this year at club lev­el has been a wipe-out, actu­al­ly it has been a wipe-out in all oth­er areas of the world too. It is…

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September 2020

Can we just start 2020 again or can it be 2021 already? As I write this, we have just com­plet­ed 4 weeks of our 6‑week lock­down here in Mel­bourne. We are wait­ing with antic­i­pa­tion whether the lock­down will be lift­ed on 13 Sep­tem­ber or whether it will be extend­ed. With the lock­down only allow­ing us to stay with­in our…

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August 2020

What a year 2020 is turn­ing out to be, espe­cial­ly for all of us locat­ed in Vic­to­ria and prob­a­bly even worse for us liv­ing here in Mel­bourne. COVID-19 as we all know is cur­rent­ly going through its sec­ond wave here and as a result, we are now in lev­el 4 restric­tions, which for us in Mel­bourne makes any­thing to…

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July 2020

Just as we as a com­mit­tee, start to make plans to start hav­ing meet­ings again, we in Mel­bourne are hit again with this dread­ed COVID-19 virus and the state gov­ern­ment has imposed fur­ther restric­tions, which meant we could not hold a meet­ing or club run in July. Oh well we will again one day soon, I promise. I would like…

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May 2020

I hope every­one is going ok and not going stir crazy in iso­la­tion. I have spo­ken to many club mem­bers over the last month via tele­phone and the gen­er­al vibe I get is every­body is doing well in these try­ing times. I also see some peo­ple are spend­ing time in the shed and tick­ing off the items on their projects.…

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June 2020

I hope every­one is still going ok and not going stir crazy. I hope that I am right and that we have now turned the cor­ner of this virus and can start to look for­ward to one time soon host­ing club meet­ings and runs. You will see in this newslet­ter a few of our club mem­bers had a Sat­ur­day morning…

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February 2020

Hi all, Wel­come to 2020. It’s hard to believe we are now into our sec­ond month of the year already. I hope every­one has had a good rest and break over the Christ­mas peri­od as we have a very busy year planned at the club. For those that do not know we are turn­ing the big 5 0 this year.…

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March 2020

Hi all, Well Feb­ru­ary is always a short month between meet­ings with only 4 weeks from meet­ing to meet­ing. In that time, we have been very busy as a club. We held our club run with lawn bowls in Cran­bourne on the 16th, which was an enjoy­able event by all those attend­ed. I would like to thank Pete Charman…

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