April 2020

Hi all,

What a dif­fer­ence a month makes in the world we live in. Unless you have been liv­ing under a rock (and good luck if you have) you would know that all the world is being affect­ed by COVID-19.

As a result, an emer­gency com­mit­tee meet­ing was held where it was unan­i­mous­ly decid­ed to sus­pend all club activ­i­ties until at least the end of April. There will be a quick meet­ing in the last week of April to deter­mine if club activ­i­ties remain sus­pend­ed. At this point in time of writ­ing this arti­cle, it is most like­ly that club events will fur­ther be sus­pend­ed into May, but a deci­sion will be made in a few weeks.

So, the run to Char­lies Auto Muse­um was can­celled, the April run to Marysville is can­celled and I have been noti­fied by Pap­py at the Mel­bourne chap­ter Bumpers by the Bay in May has also be can­celled. We did have 2 runs for May with the oth­er being Win­ton and that has also been cancelled.

I hope every­one is stay­ing safe, I have seen many of our mem­bers post­ing on Face­book and can see that their spir­its are still up which is great in these uncer­tain times. I guess many of us are self-iso­lat­ing at home, I have been work­ing from home for the last week and again I write this a week out from pub­li­ca­tion where we are still only at lev­el 2 restric­tions. What this has allowed me is time to get up and close and per­son­al with my mod­i­fied van. I am man­ag­ing to knock a few items off. The van does­n’t real­ly mind about the social distancing.

You will see this newslet­ter has a few arti­cles in it, I am try­ing to include some arti­cles of some of our past cars. This month’s arti­cle is about Ron Kings FJ ute. I remem­ber falling in love with this ute many years ago and thought it was a great build. If any­one knows what hap­pened to Ron’s ute or knows where it is now, please let me know as I would love to get some updat­ed pics etc.

There is no print­out of the newslet­ter this month due to COVID-19. Most mem­bers have an email address, and this has been emailed to you.

No deci­sion has been made re the Pres­i­dents run to Echu­ca but watch this space and if that is to be can­celled, the deci­sion will be made in due course. At this stage we have our pre­sen­ta­tion night still booked for July and fur­ther details will be provided.

So, the short of it is we are in a hold­ing pat­tern at the moment and once the world resumes nor­mal trans­mis­sion, the mem­bers will be the first to know when our first event/run will be.

Please stay safe and look after each other.
