July 2019

Hi all, Ok we have now hit the half way mark of the year, the days are slow­ly start­ing to get longer and before we know it, we will be hav­ing fun in the sun again. The weath­er in Mel­bourne has been a lit­tle chilly and some of our mem­bers (Chris Kane) has even post­ed pic­tures up on Facebook…

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August 2019

Hi all, What an excel­lent night the pre­sen­ta­tion night was. The awards list is in this newslet­ter., but Rod swept the floor with his bag of tro­phies and Derk is now back on the com­mit­tee thanks to win­ning Top Club­man. Well tonight is the Annu­al Gen­er­al Meet­ing, for those who are inter­est­ed in putting their hand up for a…

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September 2019

Hi all, I am cur­rent­ly writ­ing this from a motel room in North­ern Italy. Milan to be pre­cise. By the time of the Sep­tem­ber meet­ing I will still be on my Euro­pean adven­ture and from mem­o­ry will be in either Paris or Lon­don. Thank-you for the vote of con­fi­dence in me being vot­ed in again as Pres­i­dent. Things are…

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October 2019

Hi all, I am now back from my Euro­pean vaca­tion. I was gone 8 weeks and Janine and I had a great time away. There were a num­ber of high­lights all over Europe from vis­it­ing car fac­to­ries, through to vis­it­ing old ruins, it just shows you how young of a coun­try Aus­tralia real­ly is. How­ev­er Hold­en relat­ed the highlight…

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November 2019

Hi all, It has been a very busy month this month. I know that I said last month that the weath­er is start­ing to get bet­ter this time of year and it is a great time to be dri­ving your ear­ly, but we have to remem­ber we live in Mel­bourne and we can def­i­nite­ly get 4 sea­sons in 48…

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December 2019

Hi all, Well it has been a busy year for the club. It feels like this year has just flown. We had 2 club runs in the month of Novem­ber, with a short run to Essendon Hold­en where we had only a hand­ful of cars, Neville, Rus­sell and Gary His­lop all won an award on the day, there was…

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February 2020

Hi all, Wel­come to 2020. It’s hard to believe we are now into our sec­ond month of the year already. I hope every­one has had a good rest and break over the Christ­mas peri­od as we have a very busy year planned at the club. For those that do not know we are turn­ing the big 5 0 this year.…

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March 2020

Hi all, Well Feb­ru­ary is always a short month between meet­ings with only 4 weeks from meet­ing to meet­ing. In that time, we have been very busy as a club. We held our club run with lawn bowls in Cran­bourne on the 16th, which was an enjoy­able event by all those attend­ed. I would like to thank Pete Charman…

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April 2020

Hi all, What a dif­fer­ence a month makes in the world we live in. Unless you have been liv­ing under a rock (and good luck if you have) you would know that all the world is being affect­ed by COVID-19. As a result, an emer­gency com­mit­tee meet­ing was held where it was unan­i­mous­ly decid­ed to sus­pend all club activities…

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April 2018

Hel­lo all, our dri­ve day was a huge suc­cess, many own­ers swapped cars even stock­ies for stock­ies to see how oth­ers went and there were some sur­pris­es. Look out for the report. This month we go to Wild Dog Brew­ery where we will have a tour before lunch see newslet­ter for details. Next month sees us going back to…

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