COVID-19 Update

Hi all,

Last Thurs­day the club exec­u­tive includ­ing myself, Jim Bish­op, Rod Grum­mitt and Peter Cor­ri­g­an had a tele­con­fer­ence to make a club update on club activ­i­ties as a result of the cur­rent pan­dem­ic that we are all liv­ing through.

It was decid­ed (and not unex­pect­ed) that we will extend the sus­pen­sion of club activ­i­ties through to June 1 at this stage. We did say we would revis­it the orig­i­nal deci­sion at the end of April but we decid­ed to make the call before east­er. In late to mid May we will make anoth­er deci­sion mov­ing forward.

We think it is eas­i­er to make a deci­sion month­ly than a blan­ket deci­sion of a longer period.

Janine and I would like to wish every mem­ber a good east­er and hope that you can at least enjoy your East­er break in isolation.

If any­one is strug­gling with the iso­la­tion and needs some­thing done (like going to the shops etc for them), please don’t be ashamed and reach out to me and I will ensure as the EMHC fam­i­ly we will do our best to sup­port you.

