December 2020

Hi all,

What a dif­fer­ence a month can make. Restric­tions have been lift­ed in Vic­to­ria (some­what) and it allowed for about a dozen of us attend the Pres­i­dents run to Echu­ca. Which turned out to be a fan­tas­tic week­end away. It was good to see every­one with a smile on their face. There is run report in the newslet­ter. Although it was the Pres­i­dents run, I would like to thank my wife Janine for actu­al­ly arrang­ing the event and secur­ing a great price for the great accom­mo­da­tion we had.

Due to some restric­tions still in place the month­ly chat will be held on zoom this month as per oth­er months on Wednes­day 2nd Decem­ber 2020 at 8.00pm Details are in the newslet­ter. I antic­i­pate that our first meet­ing back in 2021 in Feb­ru­ary will be at the club rooms but most like­ly will be held out­doors. I plan on hav­ing a BBQ before the meet­ing just like we did this year.

Hap­py Birth­day, to be pre­cise Hap­py 50th Birth­day to all cur­rent, life and for­mer mem­bers of the club. This month marks the 50th Birth­day of the club being formed. I believe (unless shown oth­er­wise) that we are the old­est Hold­en club in Aus­tralia and even after all these years to have a mem­ber base of over 100 mem­bers is a cred­it to every­one in the club.

For those that can recall we have 50th anniver­sary cof­fee mugs for sale. They are priced at $12 each or $60 for six. If you are after some of these mugs please see Rod.

We are going to have a club get togeth­er on Sun­day the 13th of Decem­ber at the Car­dinia Reser­voir. We will be meet­ing at the club rooms at 10.00am and head­ing to the reser­voir. This is a get togeth­er and it is not actu­al­ly a club xmas par­ty as the club xmas par­ty was can­celled this year. I hope to see as many peo­ple as pos­si­ble on the 13th.

In fin­ish­ing this report this month, I want to share what was writ­ten in the first Editor’s Note of the club Newsletter.

“Hav­ing been giv­en the go ahead to pub­lish a month­ly issue of THE EARLY NEWS, I will endeav­our to make this source of com­mu­ni­ca­tion both inter­est­ing and informative.

To do this suc­cess­ful­ly, I need every indi­vid­ual mem­ber’s help in sup­ply­ing arti­cles which can be put to press, whether it be humor­ous or factual.

So come on mem­bers, get that mind tick­ing and give me the arti­cle, remem­ber the News Let­ter can only be as good as you want it to be, so let’s have a GREAT NEWS LETTER.

In this our 50th year the orig­i­nal editor’s note is as impor­tant now as it ever was. So please keep con­tin­u­ing to pro­vide arti­cles for our newsletter.

As the fes­tive sea­son draws clos­er, I would like to wish from my fam­i­ly to yours a very Hap­py Christ­mas and a safe and hap­py 2021. (it can only be bet­ter than 2020 surely).
