EMHC Update 50th Anniversary Shirts Wed 5 May 2021


We are delight­ed to announce our 50th Anniver­sary Polo shirt which is now avail­able to order.

To cel­e­brate the 50th year of the Ear­ly Mod­el Hold­en Car Club of Vic­to­ria we have designed a polo shirt in pre­dom­i­nate­ly in the colours of the club.

The polo is now avail­able for order­ing at the cost of $30 dol­lars each.

Orders will be tak­en through until the end of May 2021.

We will have fit­ting gar­ments avail­able at the June meet­ing 2nd of June 2021 for those who are not sure of sizing.

We have to have orders to our sup­pli­er be the 4th of June 2021 so that we can have the polo’s by the end of July 2021.

We hope that every­one gets on board with the polo’s which can be worn at our 50th Anniver­sary din­ner in September.

Orders can be placed by con­tact­ing the club