EMHC Update Monday 22 June 2020

Hi All,

I hope every­one is well.
Just when I thought we could come out and have club activ­i­ties again, this COVID19 virus has hit Vic­to­ria again and the Pre­mier has decid­ed to put restric­tions back into place. What this means for the club is the following
Club Meet­ings
The July club meet­ing for Wednes­day 1st July 2020 will not go ahead at the club rooms. How­ev­er I will have a zoom chat for those that are inter­est­ed (it is not a meet­ing but a casu­al online chat). This will be start­ing at 8.00pm
Club Runs
There are no pro­posed club runs for July.
As there is no club meet­ing the newslet­ter again for July will be emailed out to all members.
If any­one has any con­cerns or just wants to have a chat feel free to give me a call.