March 2020

Hi all,

Well Feb­ru­ary is always a short month between meet­ings with only 4 weeks from meet­ing to meet­ing. In that time, we have been very busy as a club. We held our club run with lawn bowls in Cran­bourne on the 16th, which was an enjoy­able event by all those attend­ed. I would like to thank Pete Char­man for the organ­is­ing of the event.

Well we have some celebri­ties in the club now it appears. On Mon­day the 17th of Feb­ru­ary, I received a phone call from ABC TV about Hold­en ceas­ing oper­a­tions in Aus­tralia. I had not heard the news before they had called, and they want­ed a com­ment and an inter­view from the club. As I unfor­tu­nate­ly did not have the time to accom­mo­date an inter­view, I thought it was a great idea to del­e­gate this to our Vice Pres­i­dent Jim Bishop.

As a result of this the fol­low­ing day Jim Bish­op, Bruce Gra­ham and Ian Maclean appeared on ABC Break­fast TV. Bruce Gra­ham also appeared on Chan­nel 10 news lat­er that evening. I also heard that Pete Cor­ri­g­an was inter­viewed by the Her­ald Sun and that arti­cle appeared on Tues­day 18th Feb­ru­ary. Fur­ther­more, Jim, Ian and Michael Del­zop­po appeared on Chan­nel 9 news on Fri­day the 21st of Feb­ru­ary (see pics below).

We now have many TV stars amongst our members.

This run for the month is on Sun­day 22nd March down to Char­lies Auto Muse­um down at Arthurs Seat on the Morn­ing­ton Penin­su­la. We will be leav­ing the clu­b­rooms at 10am and leav­ing BP Penin­su­la Link at 11am. There is a cost of $12 per head for this run. There are fur­ther details in the magazine.

I have list­ed all the runs in this newslet­ter so mem­bers can pen­cil them in their diary for the year. It is impor­tant to add here that we have the Pres­i­dents Run this year to Echu­ca for a week­end away for the 20th of June. We have secured accom­mo­da­tion at the Mer­cure Hotel in Echu­ca for $115 a night. Janine will have a list on our com­mit­tee table at the meet­ing for peo­ple to put their name down to book the accom­mo­da­tion. No pay­ments are need­ed at this time as you pay on arrival at the hotel.

Any­way, we are now back into it for the year and I hope to see many mem­bers on these club runs and at club meetings.

Stay safe and hap­py travels.
