June 2020

I hope every­one is still going ok and not going stir crazy. I hope that I am right and that we have now turned the cor­ner of this virus and can start to look for­ward to one time soon host­ing club meet­ings and runs.

You will see in this newslet­ter a few of our club mem­bers had a Sat­ur­day morn­ing dri­ve on the 30th of May and it was nice to get the cars out. It was also nice to see Aldo and Kim’s utes out and about.

I sent a let­ter out this month to all mem­bers, advis­ing of the cur­rent sta­tus of club events and activ­i­ties. I would also like to add if you already don’t know that the State Titles has been resched­uled to next year, to be held in Octo­ber 2021. It just seems that we are replac­ing any­thing to do with 2020 to 2021.

The run for this month was a planned overnight trip to Echu­ca. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, that is not going ahead at this time, but we have resched­uled that for the week­end of Novem­ber 14. We have secured the rooms at the Mer­cure for $115 for the Sat­ur­day night, which I believe is real­ly good val­ue. On a brighter side the weath­er in Echu­ca in Novem­ber would most like­ly be more appeal­ing than in June.

Club Com­mit­tee meet­ings have start­ed up again, with the next club com­mit­tee meet­ing to be held online on Wednes­day 10th of June. As you will see in the cor­re­spon­dence, I sent out this month, we are hav­ing a gen­er­al online chat on Wednes­day 3rd of June at 8.00pm via the zoom plat­form. This is not a club meet­ing and club busi­ness, or any min­utes will not be tak­en. It is just a way of mem­bers cor­re­spond­ing with each oth­er to see how every­one is going and to see what every­one has been up to whilst in isolation.

I know this has been a dif­fi­cult time for many, but we are get­ting through it and it will only make us enjoy our club activ­i­ties even more on our return.

Please stay safe and look after each other.
