May 2020

I hope every­one is going ok and not going stir crazy in iso­la­tion. I have spo­ken to many club mem­bers over the last month via tele­phone and the gen­er­al vibe I get is every­body is doing well in these try­ing times.

I also see some peo­ple are spend­ing time in the shed and tick­ing off the items on their projects. I know that Kim Radenic has now got his ute reg­is­tered and is bit­ing at the bit to get it to a club run to show all. Just like Kim is keen to show his ute, we are also very keen to see it.

Speak­ing of utes, for those that don’t know, my forum locat­ed at has a club mem­ber, Tim Fet­tell. He has been putting up progress reports of the restora­tion of his ute and it’s almost com­plete. It is a cred­it to him and the peo­ple who have helped him build the ute. When iso­la­tion is final­ly fin­ished, I pre­sume it won’t be long until we see Tim’s car on the road.

Iso­la­tion must do crazy things as our for­mer Pres­i­dent and life mem­ber Derk has even spent some time in the shed build­ing his FJ Pan­el­van, so although iso­la­tion has been a wor­ry­ing time for many it has had its ben­e­fits in the club scene.

When will we be back, that real­ly depends on the gov­ern­ment and when restric­tions are lift­ed or var­ied. Cur­rent­ly all club activ­i­ties are can­celled until 1st of June, but that date is sub­ject to change and maybe extend­ed. All club mem­bers will be noti­fied of any changes to our date of return etc.

I have updat­ed the club web­site so why not go and have a look at and in this newslet­ter I have added some more read­ing mate­r­i­al of some club cars of years gone by.

It appears at the time of writ­ing the run to Echu­ca will be resched­uled, but when we return I am sure we will have plen­ty of runs and per­haps for a few months of 2 runs a month to get out of the house and enjoy our cars and club mem­bers hos­pi­tal­i­ty and friendship.

Please stay safe and look after each other.
