For the purposes of these rules an early Model Holden car shall be Holden Motor cars of the 1948 to 1953 series and the FJ series and prototypes thereof.
The Club is formed to provide for: -
A) The promotion and use of Early Model Holden cars.
B) The obtaining of motor parts suitable for installation in Early Model Holdens on behalf of financial members of the Club.
C) To encourage members in the restoration, preservation and/or modification of Early Model Holdens.
D) To encourage the use of Early Model Holden cars by the promotion of rallies and the giving of prizes and by any other means which may from time to time be determined by the Club.
E) To encourage activities which are informative and to promote social functions for Club Members.
A) Full membership is open to any person interested in or who is the owner of an Early Model Holden car.
B) Associate membership is open to owners of post 1956 model Holdens as Associate Members.
C) To attain the status of an honorary life member of the Early Model Holden Club of Victoria Incorporated, with the full benefits of a financial member, a member must comply with one of the following criteria:-
1. Ten (10) consecutive years served on the Committee.
2. Fifteen (15) years general membership of which ten (10) years must have been served on the Committee.
3. Twenty (20) years as an active/ participating member of the club.
Nominations for the above are to be forwarded to the Committee for endorsement, followed by a vote by the general membership.
A) The subscriptions will be set at the discretion of the Committee.
B) All annual Subscriptions shall be payable within 30 days after becoming a member of the Club at a pro-rata rate until full Annual Membership is due.
C) If an annual subscription has not been paid in full on or before 10 days after the date of expiry, the member may be expelled at the discretion of the Committee.
D) Subscriptions cover the member and their immediate family however family members with additional cars will incur a fee of 50% of the annual subscription each, entitling them to full member status.
A) The Secretary shall keep and maintain a register of members which will include the full name, address and date of entry of each member and whether or not their subscription has been paid. The register shall be available for inspection by members at the address of the Secretary.
The Club shall be controlled and managed by a Committee of members and consist of the following Officers:-
A) President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and not less than one or not more than six other members.
B) The Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting and subject to termination of office by resignation or otherwise shall remain in office until their successors are appointed an the Annual General Meeting next following their appointment.
C) The Committee shall have power to appoint any member to fill any vacancy that may occur. The retiring Officers and other members of the Committee shall be eligible for re-election.
A) Nominations of candidates for election as officers or ordinary members of the committee — shall be taken from the floor at the Annual General Meeting by one member and be accompanied by verbal consent of the candidate.
B) If the number of nominations received is equal to the number of vacancies to be filled, the person nominated shall be deemed to be elected.
C) If the number of nominations exceeds the number of vacancies to be filled, a ballot shall be held.
D) The election of the Committee shall be held at the Annual General Meeting.
2. A position of the Committee becomes vacant if a Committee Members:-
A) Ceases to be a member of the club.
B) The club becomes insolvent — within the meaning of the Companies (Victoria) Code.
C) The Committee member gives notice in writing to the Secretary of his resignation.
A) Committee meetings shall be held on the Wednesday proceeding every Monthly and Annual General meeting and any other time as arranged by the Committee.
B) A quorum at a Committee meeting shall be half of the Committee members.
C) No business shall be transacted unless a quorum is present, if a quorum is not present, the meeting shall be adjourned and take place before the next Monthly and Annual General Meeting upon the Secretary giving 2 days notice by telephone to all the members of the Committee.
D) At meetings of the Committee, the President shall preside or in his absence, one of the remaining members of the Committee, as chosen by the Committee members present, shall preside.
E) Questions arising at a meeting of the Committee shall be determined by a show of hands, each Committee member present at a meeting of the Committee is entitled to one vote, and in the event of an equality of votes on any questions, the person presiding may exercise a second or casting vote.
A) The President shall:
1. Ensure that the aims and rules of the Early Model Holden Club of Victoria Incorporated are carried out and adhered to.
2. Chair Annual and Monthly General Club meetings and Committee meetings.
3. Arrange the Agenda for such meetings.
4. Forward the Club Newsletter to all country members each month.
B) The Treasurer shall:
1. Keep a ledger of all club accounts and make them available for inspection by members.
2. Conduct banking of Club funds.
3. Shall collect and receive all monies due to the Club and make payments authorized by the Association.
4. Keep and maintain all proper financial records and documents necessary to enable a full and complete audit to be conducted.
C) The Secretary shall:
1. Keep a list of Financial Members.
2. Keep a record of all Full and Associate members present at Annual and General Club meetings.
3. Forward information on the Club to persons requesting such information.
4. Conduct and keep a record of the correspondence of general club business.
5. Take minutes of all Monthly, General Annual and Committee meetings and keep proper records of such meetings.
D) General Committee Persons shall:
Assist in the organization of all general or social activities and perform special duties as required.
A Monthly General Meeting of the club members shall be held on the first Wednesday of each month for any of the following purposes:-
A) To confirm the minutes of the last Monthly General Meeting.
B) To consider and if approved, sanction and duly make alterations of the rules.
C) To deal with any other matter which the Committee may desire to place before the members including expulsion of a member.
D) To receive the resignation of the Committee or to remove any member or member thereof from office and fill any vacancies caused thereby.
E) To deal with any special matter which the members requiring the meeting may desire to place before the Club.
An Annual General meeting of Club members shall be held every year on the first Wednesday in August to transact the following business.
A) To confirm the minutes to the last Annual General meeting.
B) To receive and if approved, to adopt an audited statement of the Club’s accounts to the end of the preceding year.
C) To appoint Officers and other members of the Committee.
D) To deal with any special matter which the Committee desire to bring before the members and to receive suggestions from the members for consideration of the Committee.
E) To consider and if approved, sanction and duly make alterations to the rules.
All general meetings other than the Monthly and Annual General Meetings shall be called Special General Meetings.
A) The Committee can, whenever it thinks fit, convene a Special General meeting, and where more than 15 months lapse between Annual General Meetings, shall convene a Special General meeting before the expiration of that period, giving normal notice in writing to all members.
B) Members may make requisition to hold a Special General meeting, by sending the requisition to the Secretary, containing the purpose of the meeting, signed by the member, the Committee shall then convene a Special General Meeting, giving normal notice in writing to all members.
A) The Secretary shall send notice in writing to all members at least 14 days before an Annual and Special General Meeting including Proxy Forms, Agenda of meeting and a replied paid envelope.
B) No notice is given on Monthly General meetings.
A) Ordinary business and special business can be conducted at Annual and Special General Meetings. Ordinary business only can be conducted at Monthly General Meetings.
B) No business can be conducted at Annual General Meetings unless a quorum of half of the full members of the club are present. Associate members are not part of the quorum. If a quorum is not present, the Annual General Meeting shall be adjourned and take place in 3 weeks time, giving normal notice of a meeting.
C) The Club President shall act as Chairman to preside and he shall have a casting or additional vote in the event of equality of votes. In the event of the President being absent, a Chairman shall be elected to preside and he shall have a casing or additional vote in the event of equality of votes.
D) Questions arising at meeting shall be determined by a show of hands. Each member present at the meeting is entitled to one vote. The decision made shall be entered into the Minute Book, showing the number for and against and whether the motion was carried or not.
E) Votes on a question, can be taken by proxy, whereby a member not present can give his one vote in writing to another member. Proxy’s must be given to the Secretary at the start of a meeting.
F) Only full financial members are entitled to vote at meetings. Associate members are not. A full member is not entitled to vote unless all monies due and payable by him to the Association have been paid.
A) The Committee shall have power to request any member to resign or to terminate any membership without explanation or suspend a member, but for the purpose of this rule, the vote of not less than three quarters of the whole Committee shall be necessary. Upon the termination of membership under this rule, the subscription paid for the current year shall be refunded on a pro-rata basis.
B) If a person whose membership has been terminated wishes to rejoin the Club, a vote must be taken at a Monthly Meeting. A majority vote shall see this person accepted as a member.
A) A member of the Association who has paid all monies due and payable by him to the Association may resign from the Association by first giving one months notice in writing to the Secretary of his intention to resign and upon the expiration of that period of notice, the member shall cease to be a member.
B) Upon the expiration of notice given, the Secretary shall make in the register of members an entry recording the date on which the member by whom the notice was given, ceased to be a member.
C) If a person who has resigned their membership wished to rejoin the Club, a vote must be taken at a Monthly meeting. A majority vote shall see this person accepted as a member.
A) The members in a General Meeting may by resolution remove any member of the Committee before the expiration of his term of office and appoint another member in his stead to hold office until the expiration of the term of the first mentioned member.
B)Where the member to whom a proposed resolution makes representations in writing to the Secretary, the representation shall be sent by the Secretary to all members.
18.1 The financial year of the Club shall end on the 30th June each year, to which day the accounts of the Club shall be balanced
18.2 The club or Association shall appoint an auditor at the Annual General Meeting
The funds of the Club can be derived from subscriptions, donations and such other sources as the Committee determines.
All cheques, drafts, bills of exchange, promissory notes and other negotiable instructions, shall be signed by two members of the Committee.
21. SEAL
A) The Common Seal shall be kept in the custody of the Secretary
B) The Common Seal shall not be affixed to any instrument except by the authority of the Committee and the affixing of the Common Seal shall be attested by the signatures either of two members of the Committee or of one member of the Committee and of the Public Officer.
These Rules and the Statement of Purpose shall not be altered except in accordance with the Associations Incorporation’s Act 1981 Victoria.
Except as otherwise provided in these Rules, the Secretary shall keep in custody or under his control, all books, documents and securities.
All books and records shall be available for inspection by members at the address of the Secretary or the Treasurer, depending upon where the specific accounts are held.
Dissolution: In the event of the club or Association being disbanded, the assets and property after payment of all debts and liabilities shall not be distributed to members but shall be distributed to a fund or funds exclusively for charitable purposes, provided that there is no conflict with the Association Incorporation Act 1981 Victoria.
Amended August 2001